It was a sunny day for the Geehi’s first walk of 2021 in an area that looks to have benefited from the recent rain.
Our journey took us from the Cascade Trail Trackhead along the Cascade Trail to where it crosses the Thredbo River and heads up to Bob’s Ridge. After enjoying morning tea by the Thredbo River we continued to follow the river, which turns north along the Boggy Plain towards Teddy Hut, whereas the Cascade Trail heads south to Bob’s Ridge and Victoria.
Once on the Boggy Plain the trail narrows from a Fire Trail to a foot pad that meanders following the Thredbo River. As we climbed the valley we spotted small clumps of wildflowers, and stopped to admire the crystal clear water of the Thredbo River. A few of the group even spotted a couple of fish in one of the deeper parts. Whilst we spotted two Brumbies at morning tea, there were no sightings along our track but plenty of evidence to show they had been in the area.
The trail climbed steadily to our lunch spot under Brindle Bull Hill with views up the valley towards the Chimneys and of the surrounding area. Whilst a few of the group enjoyed a quiet time at the lunch spot, the others headed off to see what was over the next high point….another high point! But we did not have time to explore further up the valley so returned to the lunch spot, and retraced our steps back to the river crossing where we stopped for a while, and enjoyed the sound of the flowing water, before heading back to the cars.
Thanks all for a pleasant day in the mountains.