On an overcast morning 21 walkers took to the trails of Cooma North Ridge with the Geehi Club.
We heard a little of the history of the Cooma North Ridge and the forward-thinking committee who worked to preserve this precious 113 hectare resource for all to enjoy.
Initially we followed the Cooma Ridge Committee blue markers that took us to “The Pines”, then on and up to an elevation of 908 meters. We headed back along the orchid trail but due to the current climate orchids were not yet in flower. We were treated to displays of Grevillea lanigera and Heath. The orchid trail led us to the 3 Poles lookout where we met the orange marker trail.
Down we tramped via the Borrow Pit trail to the Old sewage works where Matthew Kent, Volunteer with Cooma Landcare and Cooma Water Watch enlightened us about the local platypus monitoring program.
Along the way the group took in expansive vistas of Rose Valley, Mt Robert and the Murrumbidgee corridor, 3 Brothers and Hudson’s Peak from the many vantage points that the ridge provides. We were fascinated to hear of the documented evidence of the megafauna that once grazed in Rose Valley.
Highlights included meeting the residents; Red-necked Wallaby, Bennett’s Wallaby, and a swamp Wallaby.
Interesting points along the way were of the indigenous and European history of the Ridge. We looked at the hilltop fireplace used by indigenous peoples, an old boundary peg and old dray tracks left by Europeans. The ruins of JEP Walker’s stone building and a now overgrown garden of quince and plum trees and irises was interesting down beside the creek.
Back up the Borrow Pit trail and back to the water tanks (on the orange marker trail again) and the Trig point before arriving back at the Balli Place carpark.
It was wonderful that many walkers shared their knowledge of the plants, birds and aquatic life that we encountered.
An enjoyable morning where new faces were met and interesting knowledge was taken away.
Use these websites to find out more about the
Geehi Bushwalking Club https://geehibushwalkingclub.com.au
Waterwatch or Landcare including Platypus Monitoring email Matthew at matt.kent@bigpond.com