Recent Events

Landers Falls and Big Talbingo walk on 25th May 2024

Following the postponement from the week before due to bad weather, an early 7.30 start from Cooma North saw a small group of 4 members set off, driving almost two hours to the 4 wheel drive car park near Landers Falls, turning off the Snowy Mountains Highway near the top

Charlottes Pass to Perisher Valley

21 April 2024 This walk was undertaken for us to sample part of the new Snowy’s Alpine Walking trail. After dropping one car off at Perisher Valley, we started this walk from the trail head sign and map at Charlottes pass village. Following the new track across the Johnnies Plains

Day walks near the Blue Waterholes, 18-19 Nov 2023

This Geehi Club event was a car camp at the Blue Waterholes, with 2 single day walks. We drove from Cooma late on the Friday afternoon, arriving whilst still light. On Saturday we followed the Nichols Gorge walk, a moderate 6 km walk upstream from the campground. The first third