This Geehi Club event was a car camp at the Blue Waterholes, with 2 single day walks. We drove from Cooma late on the Friday afternoon, arriving whilst still light.
On Saturday we followed the Nichols Gorge walk, a moderate 6 km walk upstream from the campground. The first third followed along the partially dry Cave Creek, passing two caves which we investigated. These were Cooleman Cave and Murray Cave. Although these have had a long history of souvenir collection, they were still very worthwhile excursions.
After Murray Cave the track climbed out of the gorge to the Cooleman plain above. Some interesting sinkholes / dolines were passed, returning back to Cave Creek shortly before heading back to camp.
On Sunday we followed the Clarke Gorge track to Cooleman Falls, a more dramatic ‘gorge’ experience than yesterday. Barbers Cave was visited en-route. This is a more complex and trickier cave than Cooleman and Murray Caves, formations being more of the flowstone type. A fun excursion though.
The track ends at the Cooleman Falls, but after lunch we continued to the Goodradigbee river. This involved climbing out of the gorge and bypassing Wilkinsons Gorge (further downstream). We went down on the northern side, and returned back to the falls on the southern side. The latter was much easier than the former, but the circuit route was very much worthwhile.
We returned to camp in time to visit the restored Coolamine homestead on the drive home.