23 April 2023
The day originally set for this walk had a poor weather forecast – fair chance of showers. Nevertheless, we very optimistically drove to Kiandra. By then, strong winds and rain caused a change of plans, retreating to visit the newly rebuilt Delaneys Hut, and the Adaminaby pie shop.
The weather next weekend was much improved, so another attempt was made. Glorious weather this time. Parking a few kms north of Kiandra, we set off on the easy part of the walk, 3kms across the open grassy plains of the Kiandra plateau. We located the ruins of Edward Hut, which was a pile of bricks from the fireplace, a few sheets of tin, and some beer and wine bottles.
A bit further on some mullock heaps from gold mining were passed before coming to a lookout on the edge of the plateau, overlooking the headwaters of Talbingo Reservoir 800m below. Extensive views of the Snowy Hydro 2 works at Ravine are also to be seen here.
The route of the next 3kms to the falls could be seen, and it was clearly going to be much more difficult going. It was intensely burnt in the 2019-20 fire. Regrowth was thick, but at this stage was still young enough for us to battle through. Much was over head height, but sticking to the rocky ridgetops gave a good amount of reasonable walking. It would be expected that in a few years time the route will not be fun at all. It was interesting to find old insulators and wire along this route, presumably from a telephone line.
With some concern of a late, dark finish, we debated whether to turn around before reaching the falls. Optimism reigned, and we pressed on, reaching a glorious view of the falls 150m along the escarpment from the falls themselves for lunch.
The return journey was less casual, with the desire to get back before nightfall. We got back to the car 15min after sunset. Although the distance was only 14km, it was long day with some very slow going in places. Nevertheless, a great walk, great views, and a very impressive waterfall/cliffline. Recommended under the current conditions, not so sure though in a few years time.