Rennix Gap Walk 25 Feb 2023

Rennix Gap Walk 25 Feb 2023

Rennix Gap Walk 25 Feb 2023

On a sunny day in Feb, 5 walking club members made our way from Cooma, and picked up one more near Berridale. So, after travelling up to Rennix (or is that Rennex?) gap and doing a vehicle drop at Snowy Adit we were finally ready.

To begin with the route was on a 4wd track over grassy plains. This followed a ridge line with views over Lake Jindabyne and the Monaro plains in the distance. And along the way we entered the tree line providing welcome shade.

On completion of 6 km we reached a passive reflector which is part of Snowy Hydro’s communications infrastructure. And adjacent to this is the feature called Giants Castle. We investigated climbing this as per our guide book but elected to lunch at its base instead.

Then it was only 4km downhill to the finish. How hard could it be? Well we found it was not straightforward after all. There was significant spiky scrub, rocky ground and indistinct ridgelines. Walking and navigating was not easy and it took a good three hours to get down. Not what our guide book was telling us.

Once down to the Snowy Adit substation we were on an access road which took us more quickly to our awaiting vehicle. Then we headed off, only to have some car trouble which delayed our trip home. Still we made it back to Cooma before dark all ok. A long day for a short but entertaining walk.
