The recent ongoing wet weather may have put people off, but 3 club members managed to score a day of perfect weather for a wander up South Ramshead.
It was foggy from Cooma to Thredbo, but then it cleared to be a beautiful sunny day, with just enough breeze. We had a steady plod up to South Ramshead from Dead Horse Gap, with lots of excuses to stop and take photos. It is somewhat debatable which peak is actually “South Ramshead”. We went for one higher than that marked on the 1:25000 topo. Some call the 3 peaks in this area “Southerly Ramshead”, “South Ramshead” and “Most Southerly Ramshead”. All very confusing.
The flowers were in abundance, perhaps just past their peak. Still magnificent. Even some snow Gums were in flower. After morning tea on top, we headed to lunch in the saddle before the main Ramshead peak. It was disturbing to find deer scats extensively in this area. We were feeling too lazy to climb Ramshead itself, opting for a leisurely downhill wander back to Dead Horse Gap by late afternoon. It should be noted that the walking bridge across Bogong creek, near the road, has been recently washed away.