Historic Walk

Settlers Trail – Namadgi

  This walk explores the 19th century settler history, centred around the huts and farms of the Brayshaw and Westerman families. There will be ample opportunity to explore the huts and yards that show the way people lived and worked into the early 20th century.   It is a moderate


Cooma North Ridge

DATE: Saturday 21st March, 2020 TIME: 8.45 for 9am start. Some important information for those intending to participate: We ask that you are ready to observe hygiene practices in line with what is expected to limit the spread of coronavirus. In particular, we ask that you bring your own hand


Badja Gold Diggings Numeralla

Our walk will be around the old diggings, guided by Numeralla local Jim Wharton.  The first report of gold deposits on the Monaro was in 1858, on the Numeralla River. The Big Badja diggings were not worked until 1861. In 1866 there were diggings extending about three kilometres north of


Namadgi – Settlers Trail

Walk back in time along the Settlers Track to experience huts, homesteads and other historic sites from the 19th and 20th centuries. The Namadgi area was first settled by Europeans in the mid 1830s. Early settlers included Flora and William Brayshaw, who married in 1844 and raised a family of


Pretty Plains Hut

Activity: - Bush Walk and Camping Date: - Good Friday 19th to Easter Sunday 21 April 2019. Leader: - Frank Bakker Grade: - Medium – Hard (walk will be on well-formed track half of the way and approximately half off track.) Distance: -  approx. 18 Km each way in to
